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Nominations for the following positions: 

  • President-Elect (Nominations accepted in 2025 / Take office in July 2026) 
  • Secretary/ Treasurer (Nominations accepted in 2024 / Take office in July 2025) 
  • At Large Board Members (4 At-Large positions each year)

In order to be eligible to serve as an officer or at large Board member, nominees must be members in good standing with the Association. Prior to being considered for nomination as President-elect, a member must have served for at least one term of elected office to the Board of Directors.

Please click below to nominate yourself for one of the open positions. Duties and responsibilities for each IASP Board position are listed below. Nominations close April 30 and elections wil be held later in the month.

The IASP Board consists of eleven (11) voting members of the Executive Board: four (4) officers (President, President-Elect or Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, and NASP Delegate) and eight (8) At Large Members. The board meets six (6) times during the year (July 1 - June 30).

Nominate Yourself To Serve IASP


The President of IASP will serve as the major spokesperson for IASP positions or delegate this role to other IASP members or officials. Information concerning IASP positions or issues which IASP should address will be channeled through the President. 

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The President will attend NASP Regional Leadership and Spring Conference, as budget allows, meetings at Association expense.
  • The President will be responsible for ensuring that the Management Consultant notifies Board members of meeting dates and tentative agendas.
  • The President will appoint all IASP committee co-chairs, task forces, ad-hoc groups and liaisons. These appointments will be approved by the Executive Board.
  • The President will serve as a voting member of the Fiscal Advisory Board.
  • The President will exercise authority over all expenses under the budgetary designation "Executive Board".
  • The President will serve as an ex-officio member of all Association committees.
  • The President will develop liaisons with other organizations and facilitate communication.
  • The President will send letters of appreciation for Board members’ participation in IASP to superintendents and/or directors.
  • The President will be responsible for developing and monitoring implementation of an Association strategic action plan.
  • The President will be responsible for conducting an annual evaluation of Management Services and providing feedback to the Management Consultant.


The President-Elect shall serve as an officer and as a member of the Executive Board. The President-Elect automatically assumes the role of President at the end of their term. In the President’s absence, the President-Elect serves as chairperson of the Executive Board and General Business Meeting of the Association.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • The President-Elect will attend the NASP Regional Leadership meeting & NASP Spring Conference at Association expense. In the event that the President is not able to attend, the President-Elect will act as spokesperson for the Association.
  • The President-Elect will serve as a voting member of the Fiscal Advisory Board.


The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for recording accurately the events and information at official IASP meetings, maintaining official records, and writing official correspondence. In addition, he/she will serve an advisory role to the President and to the Executive Board on fiscal matters and in development of the budget.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Maintain current copies of the Articles of Incorporation and Code of By-laws, the Policies and Procedures Manual from the Policies and Procedures Chair, and Position Statements of the Association. Responsible for disseminating these documents to the Executive Board members at the first meeting of each new Board.
  • Submit the recommended budget from the Fiscal Advisory Board to the Executive Board for discussion and approval. The budget for the next fiscal year shall be presented to the Executive Board at the last meeting of the year.
  • Review all expenditures according to fiscal procedures.
  • Maintenance of all fiscal policies and procedures and for proposing changes whenever necessary.
  • Voting member of the Fiscal Advisory Board.
  • As an officer of the Executive Board, the Secretary/Treasurer shall be involved in all issues needing decision and direction.
  • Past-President
  • The immediate Past-President shall serve as an officer of the Executive Board. In the absence of the President and President-Elect, the immediate Past-President shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Board meetings and General Business Meeting.
  • The Immediate Past-President shall assist the President, as assigned, in the supervision of selected committee activities. The Immediate Past-President shall work, as requested, especially closely with committees and other activities which involve continuation of goals or completion of projects from the previous year.
  • The immediate Past-President shall consult as requested with the President regarding organizational activities to help insure continuity and smooth transition between terms of office.
  • The immediate Past-President shall serve as a voting member of the Fiscal Advisory Board.
  • The immediate Past-President shall chair a council of past-presidents. The purpose of this council will be to provide advice and counsel to the President and Executive Board and to promoting leadership development within the Association.

       At Large Board Member

      The role of the At Large Board Member will be to serve as a representative of the membership on the Board as well as on the Committee to which they are assigned.

      Duties and Responsibilities

      • Attendance at all meetings of the Board. 
      • Attendance at the Planning and Development Retreat. 
      • Active participation in the Committee to which they are elected.
      • Identification of exemplary practitioners to be nominated for awards.
      • Recruitment of candidates for office in the Association.
      • Identification of members to serve on committees.
        IASP Committees

        Communications and Membership Committee: Responsible for communication with members, graduate students and faculty, publicity for organization, newsletters, more incentive to join/better communication, recruitment of executive board members, recruitment of new members, voicing current issues/actions to membership, and use of technology for communication (e.g., online/networking listserv).

        Advocacy and Collaborations Committee: Present an active presence at the Indiana State House and advocate at regional levels. Collaborate with other organizations, Indiana Department of Education, and partner with school psychology training programs.

        Professional Development and Advancement Committee: Responsible for professional development at the regional level, online training opportunities, involvement of graduate students and early career school psychologists in the organization, awards and scholarships, regional meetings, coordination of regional activities and professional development, spring conference, fall conference, NASP Continuing Professional Development, and to be a resource on licensing on both a state and national level.

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        Office: (317) 643-3884
        Fax: (317) 634-5964

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        Indianapolis, IN 46204

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